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Control Line Events

Control Line Celebration - 15th July

A celebration of control line flying followed by a BBQ lunch and raffle: First Prize is a Peacemaker Kit ( generously donated by one of our members.

Bunnings BBQ fund raiser - July or August 2018

Fund raiser and an opportunity to raise the profile of Control Line flying in our area. Venue TBA, drop by and say hello.

Ringmaster Flyathon 6th - 7th October 2018

As per tradition LARCS C/L members will be participating in the world wide Ringmaster flyathon celebrating the most popular control line model ever; Matt Kania's Ringmaster.

End of November 2018 - Control liner's Christmas Party
Past Events
Ringmaster Flyathon 7-8 October 2017


Control Line pilots from LARCS celebrated the most popular control line model ever by participating in the worldwide Ringmaster Flyathon over the weekend of 7-8 October 2017.


Pilots flew 82 flights on both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was quite windy but nevertheless all pilots flew their aircraft. Sunday was as near perfect as you could hope for; calm, not too hot and a bit cloudy.


Five full size ringmasters were flown powered by a variety of motors:  OS Max 20, OS Max 25, Thunder Tiger 25, Drone 5cc Diesel, Fox 35 and a 1/2A Ringmaster powered by a Cox 049. 


At the of the day's flying on Sunday we held a BBQ and raffle for, what else? an ARF (Almost Ready to Fly) Ringmaster which was won by our newest member. We hope to see the pilot and plane fly in next year's flyathon.


More information at

Operating Hours for Internal Combustion and EDF Aircraft:

Monday-Saturday 8 am-6pm ( Except Friday Mornings )

Friday 12 - 6 pm ( Maintence Crew operate Friday AM )

Sunday & Public Holidays 9am-1pm

Christmas Day, Good Friday and until 1:00pm on Anzac Day
Quiet Electrics can fly from Dawn - Dusk on Weekends and Dawn - Dusk on Weekdays.  Example : Slow Gliders, Small Quiet Electrics etc 

Our Airfield is located at Loganholme, Qld... Straight off the South-Eastern end of Burchill St


Contact Us

For general correspondance, you can contact the LARCS Committee via email to:  secretary@ larcs. 

For new members looking for flight instruction, please contact the Secretary. The CFI can then arrange a time & instructor. Contact details can be found on the 'Crew' page via the top navigation bar.

All pilots must hold a Current membership card or proof thereof or sign in as a Bona Fide visitor (4 x Visits in total allowed before being required to join to continue flying at LARCS)  *see VISITORS PAGE.* 


Endorsements (if required) must be carried & aircraft noise level certification of 96db is enforced.

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